Japanese students from VSUES sang "Kalinka-Malinka" and played wooden spoons

Students of Niigata University of International Culture and Communication (Japan) who spent a semester in VSUES studying Russian language and culture, showed their new achievements on the New Year’s Eve concert.
They played wooden spoons and slight-bells, sang Russian folk songs: "Beryozka", "Kalinka", "Gusi", and the song "Podmoskovniye vechera", admired by many foreigners. Foreign students from China, Laos, the United States and other countries, teachers of Foreign Language Institute and specialists of the Department of International Relations came to the Banquet hall of the Underground theatre to encourage the Japanese students.
The students from Japan study at the Faculty of International Culture, and according to the educational program of the Japanese University they are supposed to spend a semester studying in Russia. For several months students became familiar with history and culture of Russia. One of the most interesting disciplines for Japanese students was "Russian folk musical instruments".
The lecturer of Foreign Language Institute, the supervisor of Japanese students- Svetlana Karyakina said that the idea of the concert at the end of the semester came to the minds of teachers and students after the first session. While preparing for the concert the students were taught not only on VSUES campus, but they were also involved in extracurricular activities, such as: a tour along Svetlanskaya street, master class on wooden spoon painting, the harvest festival, folk holiday "Oseniny" and regional fair “ Hospitable Primorye”.
Svetlana Karyakina said:
We included the best in the concert program, for example, Cossack musical ensemble “Tradition”, the musicians of which were playing many Russian musical instruments.
Japanese students called their own musical ensemble “Harmony”
Japanese students Katada Sakura and Miura Siori noted:
- We really liked our visit to Russia especially we enjoyed speaking Russian language with our new friends: students and teachers of VSUES.
As for our favorite song, it is "Podmoskovniye vechera". Each of us bought a Russian souvenir - the wooden spoon.
After the concert, a special program with Santa, contests and dances was arranged for the students. Finally, the students admitted that they dream about visiting Russia again.