Professor of Niigata University of International and Information Studies Alexander Prasol gave a lecture in VSUES

Public Lecture by Professor of Niigata University of International and Information Studies Alexander Prasol gathered students and teachers who are interested in the history and culture of Japan.
Alexander F. Prasol was born and grew up in Vladivostok. He graduated from the Far Eastern State University, the Japanese Department and got a degree of the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University. More than twenty years he has been living and working in Japan. Currently he’s a professor of Niigata University of International and Information Studies.
Living and working in Russia, Alexander Prasol studied and taught the Japanese language, history and culture of this country, but he works in Japan, he tells his students about Russia.
Alexander Prasol shared with the audience his thoughts about contemporary Japan, spoke about its history, mysteries and peculiarities of this country. He also showed many photos depicting interesting mimic and gestures in different circumstances.
In conclusion, the chief of International Academic Mobility Office of VSUES Alexandra Piginesheva thanked Alexander Prasol for a pleasant visit, an interesting lecture and presented with a small gift from our university.