Mutual cooperation between the VSUES Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies and Tottori University of Environmental Studies

Japanese Professors of the Tottori University of Environmental Studies Dr. Shin Sato and Dr. Atsunobu Kadono visited VSUES with a research visit. The visit took place due to the agreement about mutual research cooperation between the universities, reached in spring of 2014.
The scientific area of Dr. Shin Sato is biochemistry and he is being exploring the possibility of using cellulolytic fungi for the degradation of plastic trash. Dr. Atsunobu Kadono is studying Soil Sciences.
Due to the two-day program were held several working sessions and a roundtable meeting about the perspectives of scientific and research cooperation between the Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies and Tottori University of Environmental Studies and collaborative project. The working sessions were attended by the faculty and students of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies and scientists from Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science.
The results of the roundtable meeting were summarized on the second day of the visit. According to it were identified mutual points of interest, for example: “The study of greenhouse gases emission from forest and grassland ecosystems in Primorsky Region and Japan” and “Various aspects of anthropogenic degradation of landscapes of the Sea of Japan basin”.
Candidate of biological sciences, the Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies Natalia V. Ivanenko noticed that this visit will promote the development of new scientific research in the Department on the theme of “Emission of greenhouse gases from the forest and grassland ecosystems and soil’s organogenic in Primorsky Region and Japan. We have reached the agreement to start our mutual research activity from this year and International Ecological Symposium, which will be held in autumn, will become its first step.