Students and the university staff were awarded the commemorative medal for the Sochi-2014 Winter Olympic Games

The ceremony of the solemn awarding the commemorative medals for the significant contribution to the organization of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi-2014 was held in the Administration of the Primorsky Region on the 14th of April, 2015.
23 students of VSUES and university staff members were presented with the medal and the Diploma from the President of Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin. The President expressed his gratitude for the personal contribution to the organization of such a great international event.
Ksenia Sazonova, the Head of the Youth Policy Department says: “The medal is presented to the Russian and foreign people and organizations all over the country to thank for their unsparing work during the organization of the Olympic Games. All in all 100,000 medals will be presented during the year. It is important to notice that the students and the staff were noted not just by the Olympic Committee, but also by the Ministry of Sports.
The volunteer center of VSUES became the only one in the Far East of Russia. It prepared volunteers for such functions as “Village management”, “Accommodation” and “Protocol”. Olympic Committee said that volunteer center of VSUES was one of the best during the Games.