VSUES on the XIX Pacific International Tourism EXPO 2015

The XIX Pacific International Tourism EXPO 2015 took place in Vladivostok from May 21-23. On the opening ceremony with their speech took part the governor of Primorsky region Vladimir Miklushevskiy, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly Viktor Gorchakov, the Mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkaryov, general and honorary consuls of different countries. The Vice-President for the scientific and international affairs Tatyana Terenteva presented VSUES.
VSUES has being the participant and co-organizer of the EXPO for the last 15 years. Volunteers of the university were escorting the guests during the whole exhibition. With years, PITE is getting more popular among people and organizations, who are interested in development of tourism industry in the region and cooperation with foreign neighboring countries. The number of the participants this year got much bigger if to compare with previous ones. More than 18 regions of Russian Federation and representatives from foreign countries were involved in the exhibition this year. The biggest exposition was presented by Primorsky region, where everybody ware able to see the potential of its inbound and domestic tourism. Also during the whole first day, artists from all participating countries showed the guests their national performances.
VSUES students presented their exhibition booth, which showed the educational activity of the university’s Tourism and Restaurant Service Department, supplementary and international educational programs, facilities of the sport center “Champion”. Alpine Center students noted the guest’s interest in educational programs, especially in the opportunity to get the dual international diploma in Tourism.
In addition, the students and faculty of the university took part in the conference “Development of tourism and recreation in the territory of Primorsky region”, the round table meeting “Development of youth entrepreneurship in tourism industry”. Such events of the EXPO as conferences on the theme of development of the Gambling Zone in the region, Porto Franco in the city and other’s took place in VSUES.