VSUES delegation took part in International festival of cultures in Mudanjiang Normal University in China

The International festival of cultures took place in Mudanjiang city in China in Mudanjiang Normal University on 21-22 of May 2015. It was the third festival already, and with years, it is getting more and more popular. It is an international festival with its participants from China, Republic of Korea and Russia.
It was not the first time for VSUES delegation to take part in this festival. The artistic groups of VSUES had several performances, which were of great success among the Chinese audience. Therefore, VSUES performed traditional Russian dance and song, and a song in Chinese language.
The festival took place in the central square of the Mudanjiang city and gathered a big number of spectators. Many citizens came to see the concert of such a big international event. The whole concert was filmed for online translation on Chinese TV.
Besides the participation in the festival VSUES delegation also had a meeting with Mudanjiang Department of radio and TV. During the meeting were discussed such questions as development of cultural exchange and setting sister-city relations between Vladivostok and Mudanjiang.