VSUES Summer School for foreign students

International and Cultural Affairs Department and the School of Foreign Languages of VSUES within the framework of international cooperation with the partner universities became the organizers of two-week Russian language studying program for foreign students.
As the representative of the International and Cultural Affairs Department said, overall there were more than 60 students and faculty from Chinese partner universities such as Heilongjiang technological institute, Technological University of Shaanxi and Chinese University of culture (Taiwan). Every year students of these universities come to study to VSUES on different academic programs and programs of student’s exchange.
The biggest part of students have already studied Russian language before, so the main aim of the Summer School is their practice and language improvement. For those, who have just started their acquaintance with Russian language, the Preparatory Department created a special educational program of elementary level.
The technical equipment of classrooms of the School of Foreign Languages allow trainings in different language aspects. Special linguaphone labs and interactive whiteboards make speaking, listening and grammar practice much more comfortable and effective.
Besides the lessons in the first part of the day, for the guests was also planned an interesting sightseeing and cultural program. It includes the visit of Vladivostok historic and cultural sights, acquaintance with Russian traditions, Russian traditional dishes cooking, Russian folk crafts. The participants of Summer School will also visit VSUES sports center “Champion” with it swimming pool and will take part in funny sports competitions.