VSUES students took part in the Summer School of Association of Russian-Chinese Economic Universities

VSUES students Anastasiia Piskun and Daria Sheveleva, who study international relations took part in the Summer School, called “The New Silk Road: Russian and Chinese cooperation”, organized by the Association of Russian-Chinese Economic Universities.
Russian and Chinese cooperation has been improving from year to year with various joint projects in such spheres as economics, politics, energetics, culture, science and education. The Association of Russian-Chinese Economic Universities, opened in 2013, became one of the biggest projects in the field of economics and education, which included all leading economic universities of the countries.
VSUES also became a member of the Association as one of the biggest economic universities of Russia. It gives the opportunity to students to take part in different international programs and to share their experience with their Chinese friends.
That is what Anastasiia Piskun told us about her experience in the Summer School:
“We’ve got a unique chance to represent our university at the Summer School “The New Silk Road: Russian and Chinese cooperation” which took place in Beijing University of international business and economics from July 26 to August 8 in China. The main feature of this Summer School is that it was held not just in one place, but in Beijing and Shanghai, which are the two biggest Chinese cities. During the Summer School, we have attended the lectures on the themes of Chinese economics, social system and business culture, visited the most famous and picturesque sights as the Great Wall of China, Forbidden city and Shanghai TV Tower “Oriental Pearl”. I think that Summer Schools are a wonderful possibility to meet with new people, share our culture and experience and to improve our Chinese language. “