New rector of VSUES
11 сентября 2015
Жизнь вуза

Tatiana V. Terentyeva, PhD, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation has been officially appointed as the new Rector of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service.
Gennady Lazarev who has been the head of the University for 27 years will occupy the position of the University President.
Tatiana V. Terentyeva’s career in VSUES:
1996 – 2011 - Senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the department of accounting and audit.
2002 - The degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.
2011 - The degree of Doctor of Economics.
2011 - Vice-rector for scientific research.
2014 - First Vice-Rector.
2015 - Vice-rector for Research and International Affairs.