The first International Ecological Symposium was held in VSUES

The first International Ecological Symposium “The environmental problems of natural resources and environmental protection in the Asian-Pacific region” and student conference “The live systems and environmental management” was held on the base of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service on the 21st of September, 2015.
Scientists from Primorsky region, Amursky region and Japan took part in the Symposium with their researching reports on various themes. So, Doctors of Biological Science, Professor N.Khristoforova and researcher V.Golov presented their report about the quality problems of marine biological resources and the soil degradation of the Russian Far East.
On the 22nd of September the guests from Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan Professors Shin Sato and Atsunobu Kadono visited “Mountain-taiga station” of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science. The two parts discussed the possibility of the collaborative research of the natural processes of the greenhouse gas emissions from the forest and grassland ecosystems of the Russian Far East and Japan.