The future VSUES students from Laos visited the university

The students from Laos, the representative from the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation situated in Vientiane city Mrs. Hammon and the Honorable Consul of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic A. Virich visited VSUES on the October 1, 2015.
Now the students from Laos are studying at the preparatory course in Far Eastern Federal University, but the next year they will become VSUES students of the Bachelor degree programs. The Lao Ministry of Education due to the quota for foreign students, granted by the Russian Government, directed the students to Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service.
Despite the rainy weather, the International and Cultural Affairs Department’s staff and Vice-Rector for academic affairs Oksana O. Martynenko warmly greeted the students in the university. The second-year Lao students who already study in the university shared their impressions about the education in VSUES while the cup of tea with a cake. Afterwards, the future students had a university tour and saw a video about the university, which was translated in Lao language by the second year students.