VSUES became an international platform for universities, government and business

The first International Scientific-Practical Conference “Entrepreneurship as a factor of Dynamic Development of the Russian Far East” took place in VSUES on October 13. The aim of the conference was to discuss the perspectives of entrepreneurial development in the region as well as prospects of partnership among universities, business and government.
The hosts of conference was VSUES with support of the administration of Primorsky Krai, Far Eatern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ministry for Development of Russian Far East, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, non-governmental organization of small and medium enterprise “Opora Russia”, and the club of young entrepreneurs. Representatives of business environment and scholars from Russia, China, Japan and Vietnam also became guests of the Conference.
The president of VSUES Gennady Lazarev made a welcome address to all participants and noted that small and medium entrepreneurship is the key driving force of economic development, and today the main task is to create favourable economic conditions for all of stages of life. He emphasized that it is necessary to nurture intellectual capital for business from the school.
The president of VSUES highlighted the importance of practice – oriented approach to education. He invited Primorye business association’s representatives to take part in developing of educational strategies for the universities.
VSUES rector Tatiana V. Terentyeva confirmed VSUES intention to hold the Conference annually.