The University’s partnership with the Model United Nations of the Russian Far East

The Round Table project on the issues of Syrian crisis successfully conducted in Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service on March 1 – 19, 2016. It consisted of the lectures and discussions where the participants got a chance to practice their skills in the art of public speaking and debating.
The MUNRFE School of International Relations was held in VSUES on November 7-12, 2016 where the participants attended lectures and seminars on the sustainable development, international law and the United Nations structure.
Our students – Bogdan Naumov, Natalya Krasheninnikova and Konstantin Golnev were granted with honorable awards as the outstanding Russian delegates in the Far Eastern Model UN 2016 (FEMUN 2016). The Conference was held in the Far Eastern Federal University on May 5-8, 2016.
Over 70 young delegates from Russia and abroad discussed the most urgent global issues at the MUNRFE 15th Anniversary Conference held in the Far Eastern Federal University on 2 – 5 Dec. 2016. VSUES congratulates our student Konstantin Golnev receiving a recognition in Distinguished Delegations category.
MUNRFE is grateful to VSUES and looking forward to further cooperation and implementation of new projects in the future!