Mutually beneficial cooperation between new Chinese university-partner and VSUES

VSUES first vice-rector prof. Olga Vorozhbit held the formal bilateral meeting with the delegation of Mudanjiang University headed by MU vice-rector Mr. Li Guohui on March 24, 2017.
Prof. Olga Vorozhbit highlighted that a few hours distance between Vladivostok and Mudanjiang was a distinctive excellence for the profitable cooperation between our universities. Overall, the student exchange programs lay the best groundwork for the enhanced Russian-Chinese partnership in education sector.
Head of the Monitoring and Forecasting Center Lyudmila Kravchenko also expressed a wish to promote cooperation on the following programs of secondary vocational education: “Commerce”, “Hairdressing”, “Design”, “Photographic art”, “Tourism” and the others.
Two universities negotiated to work out an agreement on the joint tertiary education programs and the mobility programs for students and teaching staff.