VSUES expert gave evaluation of economic trends to Kyodo News . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

VSUES expert gave evaluation of economic trends to Kyodo News

16 марта 2018

Kyodo News is a nonprofit cooperative news agency based Tokyo. It distributes news to almost all newspapers, and radio and television networks in Japan. The Japanese journalist, Kenichi Iinuma visited and expressed his readiness in cooperation with VSUES. Kenichi Iinuma, in a conversation with prof. Alexander Latkin, Doctor of Economics underlined the importance of the economy of the Region: Development Trends and Evaluation Methodology. The meeting was included a discussion on development of manufacture, farming industry, transportation infrastructure, health service and citizen’s average monthly wages at Vladivostok.

Alexander Latkin noted that the region’s main task is to produce and distribute a good quality of life. That should be a joint work of public authorities, research institutes, the academic and public communities of the region.