Educational programs for foreign students will be more

VSUES entered the project "Promotion of Russian supplementary education programs for foreign students, including school-age children" in the preferential area "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system". Only 43 universities from 1171 universities in the country were selected to participate in this project.
The key goal of the project is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of Russian education in the international market of educational services.
A seminar on the promotion of supplementary education programs was held on the basis of the Peoples\\' Friendship University of Russia. The participants are heads and representatives of specialized divisions of 25 universities from 15 regions of Russia. The program from the Far East region included programs of three universities, including VSUES. The agenda was the promotion of additional education programs among foreign students.
Vice-rector for the additional education of PFUR Anzhela Dolzhikova presented efficient approach for organizing the work of universities with a foreign target audience. Particularly there were noted such ways of the audience attracting as the modernization and launching of the English-language version of the site, the use of more attractive for the consumer names of programs. Successful application of these ways were demonstrated by the example of the project of the Summer School 3 MUGIS, organized by the PFUR in conjunction with the Institute of Urban Soils of New York with the support of the International Council of Soil Scientists.
"Particular attention is paid to positive practices of implementing supplementary education programs for Russian and foreign students," said Julia Kravchenko, head of the department of international academic mobility at VSUES.
This information is relevant and necessary for VSUES to go right to the implementation of the tasks set by the priority project "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system".