The students of VSUES were warmly welcomed in Japan

From July 4 to July 23, two groups of students of International Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of the VSUES had a professional internship in Japan in Tottori Prefecture in order to gain practical experience in the field of tourism business.
The students talked with their peers and future colleagues from Tottori University of Environmental Studies and learned about the peculiarities of the work of Japanese companies in the area of tourism and hospitality. This opportunity was provided to the students by the small innovative enterprise «VSUES-Travel» of VSUES International Institute of Tourism and Hospitality in cooperation with the Department of Tourism and Cooperation of the Administration of the Prefecture of Tottori and the cross-cultural center of TUES.
TUES and VSUES have been cooperating for a very long time. Now, the mutual exchange of students has also been established.
The students of VSUES were warmly received in the "English Village" of TUES – a language village where students learn English and can freely communicate with foreign and Japanese teachers and with each other.
The delegation of VSUES was offered a rich entertaining program. Japanese and Russian students divided into mixed teams and had intellectual games in English. Leading speakers were foreign teachers of TUES from Philippines, Iran, and USA. The culmination of the international meeting was the lesson of the traditional Filipino dance Tinikling.
Polina Kravets, graduate student of VSUES:
- I really liked the national dances and a very warm and hospitable welcome! It was very easy to find common language with Japanese students, although my English is not at the highest level. But they have the same, so we perfectly understood each other.
Nadezhda Poklad, student of the VSUES:
- I liked that Japanese students were very interested in where we are from. They told who of them was going to VSUES in September and how they were interested in getting there! And they liked the teachers. There was a teacher from Germany in our team, she asked a lot about our studies, talked about studying at their university. I really liked the quizzes, and how the Japanese side arranged everything. They introduced us to their culture, we learned something new, they learned something new, and such an interesting exchange took place.