VSUES met Japanese students with "Russian" borshch and kokoshnik

A group of students and teachers of the Tottori University of Environmental Studies arrived at VSUES for International school of Russian Language and Culture "Sailing East - 2018".
The main purpose of the trip is classes of the Russian language. A rich excursion and entertainment program was organized for the students. They have already visited the main sights of Vladivostok - the funicular, the Embankment of the Crown prince of Russian Empire, the submarine S-56.
Primorsky Aquarium and the Museum of Old Russian Culture "Russkoie Podvorie" impressed the Japanese delegation best of all. The museum of Russian daily life presents a unique collection of things, household items, clothes of the late 19th century and the Soviet period. The students even managed to try on some traditional costumes. Guests tried Russian borshch and pancakes.
The school "Sailing East - 2018" lasts until September 9. According to the organizers of the school, the Institute of Foreign Languages and the International and Cultural Affairs Department of VSUES, students of the TUES will come to the language internship again. This is confirmed by fruitful cooperation of VSUES with the TUES since 2011.