Senior lecturer of the Department of Intercultural Communications and Translation Studies Tatiana Berkovich took part in an international conference at the University of Macao (China)

The conference was organized by three large communities of English pfofessors Asia TEFL (the Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), MAAL (Macau Association for Applied Linguistics), and HAAL (The Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics).
About 1000 participants from more than 30 countries attended the conferebce to discuss the issues of teaching English and the ways to solve the problems in the rapidly changing conditions of the modern world.
Tatiana Berkovich, an English Language Teacher at the School of Foreign Languages in VSUES, is a member of Asia TEFL. She took part in the previous conference, held in the Far Eastern Federal University in 2016.
The theme of Tatiana Berkovich’s report was "Web applications as a tool to increase students\\' motivation” which was of great interest among conference participants.
Important results of the trip for Tatiana Berkovich were personal professional growth, communication with foreign colleagues, exchange of experience, exploration of new technologies and methods in teaching foreign languages.
The University of Macao was founded in 1981 as a private university in East Asia. In a short time it became the one of the largest universities in Asia. At the University of Macau English is one of the main languages of instruction. The university pays much attention to research activities.