VSUES strengthened its presence in the International rating of universities ARES-2018

VSUES strengthened its presence in the International rating of universities ARES-2018
VSUES participates in the Academic Ranking of World Universities: European Standart since 2015 and for 4 years has achieved significant results.
Despite the fact that the number of participants increases every year VSUES managed to move from B + ranking (in 2015) to BB (in 2016) and holds the position today having taken 86th place. The BB ranking means reliable quality of teaching, of scientific activity and employability of the alumni (Good quality performance).
The results ARES-2018 demonstrated that a large number of Russian universities meet the European standard, but in ARES-2018 only 188 Russian universities took the C ranking. Basicly ARES evaluates universities on the quality of education and the level of faculty.
The important criteria of the rating are international activities and the role of the university in the socio-economic and cultural development of the region, employability of the alumni, effective methods in evaluation of teaching quality, involvement of students in research work and etc. Europe is gradually moving away from the "the development of innovative technologies." It is being replaced by disruptive technologies which lead to a rapid economic recovery.
Academic Ranking European Standard is organized by the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber, which was established in July 1992 and registered in Europe (Reg No. 97740640582) as a non-profit, non-political association with a goal to strengthen international scientific, cultural and economic ties.
The rating is divided into 3 rating categories:
- Category A (AAA, AA +, AA, A +, A): High quality of teaching and scientific activity. High quality performance.
- Category B (BBB +, BBB, BB +, BB, B +, B): Reliable quality of teaching, research activities and employability of alumni. Good quality performance.
- Category C (CCC +, CCC, CC +, CC, C +, C): Adequate quality of teaching, research and employability of alumni. Sufficient quality performance.