Pacific University Style Week opened in VSUES with the photo contest "Young fashion model"

A new photo exhibition "Young fashion model" at the Museum and exhibition complex of VSUES became the opening of the VI fashion week - Pacific University Style Week. 36 works were presented in the exposition by the participants-finalists from ages 3 to 16 years. In total, the jury reviewed more than a hundred photographs.
Every year, the Pacific University Style Week gains importance and increases not only the popularity of the university, but also the city and the region. Traditionally, it involves fashion designers from China, the Republic of Korea, Japan and other countries.
While opening the fashion week Tatiana Terentyeva, rector of VSUES, Doctor of economic sciences, professor - stressed that, having started its history six years ago, the university event has firmly taken its place among the bright cultural and fashion events of Vladivostok and the Far East region:
“For the sixth year we are waiting for spring to plunge into the world of beauty, holiday, fashion and style. The Institute of Service, Fashion and Design of VSUES makes a huge contribution to this event, presenting our university as a platform for the development and formation of designers of the Far East and Asia-Pacific countries.”
As part of the wardrobe choices, Tatiana Terentyeva (rector of VSUES), Inna Klochko (director of the Institute of Service, Fashion and Design), Irina Khudyakova, (director of the Fashion Theater "Pygmalion"), and other organizers and participants of the fashion week chose sweatshirts printed with old personal photos from childhood. It became a contribution to the popular #10YearsChallenge trend on social media.
On April 27, the show contest for models of age of 5 and older will be held at 12.00. Currently, more than a hundred people have come to participate. Models of different agencies will be able to express themselves on the podium and show their professional potential.