The XXVI International contest of young designers "Pygmalion" was held in VSUES

120 applications and 61 collections, Vladivostok hosted the largest and most important international competition for young designers "Pygmalion" in the Russian Far East. "Pygmalion" contest can be considered the ancestor of fashion week in VSUES, the history which began 26 years ago at the University. Every year the interest in this competition only increases more and more.
This year from 61 collections, 15 were presented by foreigners: designers of China, Japan and South Korea. In particular, among the participants are students and graduates of the Department of Design and Technology, VSUES.
Participants presented their collections in six categories: "Pret-a-porte", " Pret-a-porte de Luxe", "Business idea", "Debut", "Trend" and "Avant-garde". Many of the contestants had started to sew their collections since last autumn. They prepared thoroughly. In addition to the preparation of the collection, designers thought through the entire image as a whole – from the color of the fabric to make-up and music.
Pygmalion contest gives young designers and students an opportunity to not only show their collections, but also learn something from each other. The aim of the competition is to let designers from several countries and continents meet on the same podium.
“Shows are a very effective tool for promotion. First, the young designers receive professional photos, which they can use to broadcast, embed into online stores and so on. Second, it is a good info-provider - you can write about it, shoot a clip, etc. Third, buyers who can appreciate the quality of their work are coming to young designers. And, four, it’s just very interesting; at the show the participant can fully open up as an artist”, explained the Director of the Institute of Service, Fashion and Design, Inna Klochko.
Famous entrepreneurs, owners of fashion brands and shops, designers, professors of design and humanitarian universities of Russia, China, Korea, Japan evaluated the contestants.
“Your competition is unique. There are not so many events in the country that would unite people for 26 years. This suggests that fashion is developing. I am sure that the winners of ‘Pygmalion’ will be the people determining the fashion of the 21st century”, shared his impressions Victor Kuzmichev, Chairman of the jury; Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor; Head of the Department of Garment Design and Textile Institute of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University.