VSUES and Korean Air have signed a cooperation agreement

The tripartite cooperation agreement of VSUES, representative offices of Korean Air Airlines in Vladivostok, and «Primorsky Club» travel agency was signed by rector of VSUES Tatyana Terentyeva and regional manager of Korean Air Lyudmila Tkachenko. «Primorsky Club» will act as the operator of all flights under the agreement.
All parties called the agreement unique. For the first time in the practice of Korean airlines the loyalty program would apply not only to the staff and faculty of VSUES, but also to students studying in all departments of the university, regardless of the form of studying. Now everyone who studies or works at VSUES, as well as their close relatives will be given a special discount on airline tickets to all destinations where Korean Air flies except for the United States. The discount will be provided on the basis of VSUES Identification card.
- Our agreement is a unique event for Russia. As for discounts for the American direction, we are already working on this issue and, maybe, next year we will add them, explained Lyudmila Tkachenko.
- The agreement we signed today says that we have another respectable partner. It is obvious that our relations can be developed further, says Tatiana Terentyeva.
There can be, indeed, a lot of points of contact between VSUES and a travel agency. Students of the International School of Tourism and Hospitality will have two new places for internship. The graduates may have employment prospects. A living example was made by a participant in the negotiations Elena Tsoi, a graduate of VSUES, who is a sales manager for Korean Air now.
Today, the airline office of Korean Air in Vladivostok is engaged not only in passenger transportation, but also in organizing cultural and creative events.
After the signing of the first agreement, the meeting participants proceeded to discussing the details of the project and future cooperation options.