VSUES Celebrates International Day for Tolerance
November 16, VSUES celebrated the International Day for Tolerance. The university offers activities for the week of tolerance, which aim is to highlight the diversity and knowledge of the other\\'s culture, and to promote respect, cooperation and dialogue between different cultures.
Building tolerance is a big task that takes commitment and time. VSEUS School of Foreign Languages traditionally organizes various activities that target both Russian and international students.
This week VSUES students of different nationalities have been gathering to share their stories, ideas and experiences.
The contest called «Who Wants to Know More about Russia?» has become the key event of the tolerance week. 12 international teams took part in the contest that turned out to be the best way to better understand students with different cultural backgrounds, to challenge stereotypes and celebrate diversity.
VSUES helps unite and educate its students by providing a venue where diverse perspectives, cultures, and values are accepted and appreciated.