More Lao School Graduates Choose to Study at VSUES

Partnership between VSUES and the National University of Laos has been successfully developing for the last six years. Many young people from Laos have chosen to travel to Russia to earn their degrees at our university.
VSUES takes part in international education workshops and fairs held by the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Vientiane, Laos. Lao high school students are actively participating in many events held for them by career counsellors. During such events high school seniors willing to study in Russia are shown videos about the university telling about VSUES academic programmes, accommodation, sports facilities, and university social life.
Most Lao students start learning Russian in Laos where VSUES Russian language instructors teach Russian and encourage students’ pursuit of knowledge.
Those who choose to be trained in Russian apply to VSUES School of Foreign Languages (SFL). The SFL has been implementing a plan to help international students adjust to a Russian-language environment, rather than simply teaching them the language. VSUES international students demonstrate their interest in studies as well as in sports and other extracurricular activities.
Thus, if you want to challenge yourself to master the Russian language and broaden your career options, welcome to VSUES!