Scientific School of VSUES Professor Alexei Mamychev Won a Grant of the President of the Russian Federation

The grant of 2.6 million per year for two years was won by the scientific school «National-Cultural and Digital Trends of the Socio-Economic, Political and Legal Development of the Russian Federation in the 21st Century» of Alexey Mamychev who is a professor of the Department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law of VSUES, doctor of political sciences, candidate of legal sciences.
In total, the list of winners of 2020 for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation included 22 leading scientific schools, including those at Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Skolkovo Institute of Sciences and Technologies, Innopolis University. As part of the research, school scientists develop key ideas on the ongoing digital transformation of social and economic institutions, analyze the transition to digital and intelligent manufacturing technologies, robotic systems, new materials and design methods, and develop systems for processing large amounts of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
The scientific school founded by the professor of the Department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law of VSUES, Alexei Mamychev, and the head of the Department of Civil Law and Process and International Private Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow), Evgenia Frolova, conducts fundamental research work on the analysis of the antinomic nature of the interaction of digital and sociocultural trends, as well as key trends and forecasts of the transformation of the political, legal and economic systems under the influence of digital technology. It also assesses the threats and risks of such an impact.
Speaking about the goals of the ongoing interdisciplinary research, Professor Alexei Mamychev emphasized their pragmatic nature:
- The determination of the correlation between socio-economic and political-legal changes caused by digitalization processes, consideration of typical and atypical threats and risks to national security and the socio-cultural sustainability of the Russian society will form the basis for the development of principles, directions of the legal policy of the Russian Federation and modeling of a set of doctrinal acts and legal regimes to counter these risks and threats.