VSUES President Gennady Lazarev was awarded the medal «For a Significant Contribution to the Development of Primorsky Krai»

During the ceremony dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai the Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako awarded the medal of the third class «For a Significant Contribution to the Development of Primorsky Krai» to the President of VSUES, deputy of the Legislative Assembly Gennady Lazarev.
Over the years, Gennady Lazarev has been doing significant work as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Krai starting in 1995. A regional program to support large families, a program to support education was launched, the status of Veteran of Labor of the Primorsky Krai, and many other programs to improve the socio-economic situation in the region.
The Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako noted the many years of parliamentary conscientious work, active lawmaking and achievements in the implementation of the state policy on the socio-economic development of Primorsky Krai:
- Thanks to our interaction, you manage to solve a lot. I want to say words of gratitude to the legislative representatives of Primorsky Krai for the hard work, as well as for the opportunity to solve issues promptly, said Oleg Kozhemyako.
The chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatsky Krai Valery Raenko also said kind words to his colleague:
- Gennady Lazarev has been chosen as the representative of Legislative Assembly six times in a row. Of course, this shows the high confidence of voters, which must be justified by their daily activities for many years.
Коллектив ВГУЭС поздравляет Геннадия Иннокентьевича с высокой оценкой его заслуг перед обществом, выражает искренние слова признательности и благодарности за деятельность на благо жителей края, огромный вклад в дело воспитания у студентов чувства ответственности за завтрашний день и желает новых свершений.
VSUES congratulates Gennady Lazarev with a high appreciation of his service to society, expresses sincere words of gratitude for his work for the welfare of the residents of the region, and a huge contribution to educating students. VSUES wishes him new achievements!