The address of the rector of VSUES Tatyana Terentyeva to teachers, staff and students in connection with the introduction of a special mode of university functioning

The rector of VSUES Tatyana Terentyeva signed an order to introduce a special mode for the university’s functioning during a pandemic. In the video, the rector explained the main provisions of the order and the measures of restrictions in force at VSUES from April 6, 2020 until the issuance of the order to abolish the special mode of work.
«Dear colleagues, teachers, employees, students!
We dramatically changed our plans. This is due primarily to the pandemic. We know what is happening in America, in Europe, coronaviruses are spreading across Russia. We measured tens, today we measure hundreds. In order to ensure the spread of coronavirus infection in the territory of the university from April 6, 2020, a special mode of functioning of VSUES is introduced.
The special mode includes:
- the use of E-learning and distance interaction between students and teachers on all educational programs implemented at the university;
- the introduction of the maximum possible remote mode of work for employees and teachers;
- suspension of students visiting the university;
- restriction of access to the university for employees whose functional duties do not require directly finding them in the workplace;
- establishment of a schedule for the minimum presence of employees at workplaces for urgent work;
- the introduction of a strict self-isolation regime for all students living in dormitories;
- provision of non-working days to pregnant women, women with children under the age of 14 years and employees over 65 years of age;
- ensuring the disinfection of the university, monitoring the temperature and condition of employees at the entrance to the university and during the working day.
I ask all heads, vice-rectors, advisers of the rector, directors of institutes, branches, colleges, schools, department heads to establish the working conditions of each of the employees subordinate to him for the period of the special mode.
The declared pandemic requires all of us to strictly observe the rules of conduct in difficult epidemiological conditions, and this is not only personal hygiene. Please stay at home and work remotely.
I want us to remember: the crisis always provides new opportunities, but we can take advantage of them only when we are healthy. I wish the health for everyone».