The results of the II Russian Language Olympiad for foreign students of VSUES are summed up

The Russian language Olympiad for foreign students majoring in «Linguistics» and «Economics» was organized by the Institute of Foreign Languages of VSUES. In total, 118 people took part in the competition.
- The Olympaid was conceived as an event that will enable our children to compete with each other and test themselves, since the tasks of the Olympiad are different from the usual exercises that students perform in the classroom. The next stage has been passed, and we sincerely rejoice in the success of our students, Yulia Konovalova said, director of the Institute of Foreign Languages of VSUES, candidate of philological sciences:
The first round included vocabulary, grammar and phraseology exercises. In the second round, the winners of the first test completed assignments in listening and writing.
I tried to pick up the tasks harder so that the participants could think and at the same time to be interesting, Tatyana Kovaleva said, senior teacher of the Russian language department of VSUES. - That is why we included tasks in phraseology, where not just knowledge is needed, but a sense of language. For testing in the «writing» aspect, we proposed the painting of Boris Kustodiev «The Merchant’s wife at Tea», where, in addition to describing the image, it was necessary to dream up.
Some participants were so inspired by the competition task that they decided to study the work of Russian artists in more detail.
I really liked the picture that we described - it is so calm and cozy, Du Xiaoya said, the 4th year student majoring in «Linguistics». - I immediately wanted to be in the picture, drink tea with this lady. I decided to study in more detail the work of Russian artists.
The 1st year student Ven Hueysin of the major «Linguistics» emphasized that he took part in the Olympiad for the love of the Russian language:
- I really love the Russian language, I study a lot myself, I plan to take the third level already. I really like participating in contests, especially if I feel a close victory. I consider such events not only useful, but simply necessary for students studying Russian.
Winners and prize winners of the Olympaid:
1 - 2 courses
The 1st place - Ven Hueysin
The 2nd place - Lin Xiangen
The 3rd place - Che Wanyin
The 3rd place - Yin Xuehao
3 - 4 courses
The 1st place - Dong Jiala
The 2nd place - Du Xiaoya
The 2nd place - Hu Yatsi
The 3rd place - Li Chunmen