Actual issues of digitalization of the world economy were discussed at the webinar of the Institute of Law VSUES

A round table on the topic «Ensuring the rights of investors in the banking and financial sectors in the context of the digitalization of the economy in the Russian Federation and the leading financial centers of East Asia» was held at VSUES in an online format with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The co-organizers of the event were VSUES, the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship, the Department of Entrepreneurial Law of the Ural State Law University, and the Primorsky Regional Branch of the Russian Bar Association. The round table was attended by leading experts in the field of digitalization from Russia, China (including from Hong Kong and Macau), Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Colombia and Nigeria. Organizational and technical support was provided by students of the Institute of Law of VSUES.
The organizer and one of the moderators of this event, PhD in Law, associate professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of VSUES, a member of the Primorsky regional branch of the Russian Bar Association, the head of the RFBR project «Ensuring Investor Rights in the Banking and Financial Sectors in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech” in Russia and the leading financial centers of East Asia» Alexander Alekseenko.
The first report was made by Vladimir Belykh, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law, USLU, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. As part of his message, he pointed out those problematic aspects that are associated with the use of cryptocurrencies, which served as the beginning of a further discussion.
The speaker from China, Doctor of Law and senior partner of the Shanghai office of Dentons Law Firm Armstrong Chen talked about the regulation and practice of cross-border transfer of financial information.
A report on the role of the Bank of Russia as an investor in the banking services market was made by a doctor of legal sciences, professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law from the University of O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy) Olga Tarasenko.
Julia Kharitonova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Business Law, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosova in her speech outlined the problematic issues of protecting the rights of investors when issuing crypto assets.
Denis Gavrin, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law, Director of the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship of USLU, made a report on the problems of correlation of digital space and law.
The problems of digitalization of arbitration proceedings were highlighted by a participant from Colombia - Master of Law, legal adviser to the administration of Bogota Hugo Umberto Soler Moreno.
Reports on digital security issues were made by Ella Goryan, Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law Disciplines, VSUES, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, School of Sharia and Law, Islamic University of Malaysia, Nur Binti Osman, as well as Sanat Zhilkibaev, Postgraduate Student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow).
A wide range of issues was related to how the regulation of digital financial acts is carried out in Russia and abroad. A separate block of reports was associated with East Asian countries. So, in his report, Pavi Jenveeranon, master of law, professor of law at Tammasat University (Thailand), researcher at the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance, examined Asian countries'' approaches to the regulation of digital assets.
The experience of regulating digital tokens and cryptocurrencies in Macau was told by Alexander Svetlichny, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Macau. A report from a graduate student at the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong of China, Manlu Wang, examined security mechanisms in the cryptocurrency market.
The Master of Law, Senior Advisor (Fintech), FirstCo Technologies Pte Ltd. also spoke at the round table. (Singapore) Natalia Momot with a report on the topic «Singapore Law «On Payment Services and the Practice of its Application».
Zlata Malunova, Ph.D. (Law), Senior Lecturer, Department of Entrepreneurship Law, Ural State Law University, made a presentation entitled «Legal Regulation of the Digitalization of the Securities Market: Risk Management and Investor Protection»
Features of cryptocurrency regulation in European countries were examined by a guest from Germany, Master of Economic Sciences, researcher at the Department of Business Administration, Innovation and Planning - prof. Dr. Magdalena Missler-Ber, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg Kirill Sarachuk.
The policy of Brazil on digital financial assets has been highlighted by lawyer, Master of Law, University of Frankfurt (FRG) Mateus Louise Puppe Magallies.
The theme «The trend of digital currency deficiency and its impact on credit» was delivered by Matthew Oladapo Gigigby, Master of Economics, lecturer at the Department of Economics, Technibbo Adam University of Technology (Nigeria).
Oleg Rybka, a student at the VSUES Law Institute, spoke about approaches of Russia to regulating digital financial assets.
-Thank you for the opportunity to take part in such a crucial event when you could hear the opinion of high experts from leading universities in Russia and foreign countries, Olga Kotlyar shared her impressions, the 2nd year student at the VSUES Law Institute.
Following the results of the round table, a collection of articles will be published, including correspondence participants.