High standards in the field of excursion activities of the International Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of VSUES

The results of the competition for creating excursions in a foreign language «7 Wonders of Vladivostok», which started in April are summed up. Everyone was invited to come up with the idea of excursion for the period of self-isolation.
The final list includes works in Korean, English and Chinese. Among the winners are five students of MITG VSUES and the Academic College of VSUES.
In the nomination «the English language» students of VSUES won all the prizes:
The 1st place - Valentina Melnikova, the 1st year student majoring in Tourism;
The 2nd place - Valery Baeva, the 1st year student of the VSUES Academic College, and Alexey Shkurik,
the 3rd year student majoring in Tourism «Vladivostok. Historical wonders of the city»;
The 3rd place – Anton Shidlovsky, the 2nd year student majoring in Tourism,
Valentina Melnikova, winner of the competition «7 Wonders of Vladivostok»:
- My excursion is called «Plant Wonders of Vladivostok». I tell in it about the unique plants of the Primorsky Krai and the Far East. These are endemic species that are listed in the Red Book and some of them are on the verge of extinction. They are the recreational potential of our region. We may not travel far to see the beauty of nature. They are all there.
In the nomination «the Korean language», the 3rd year student majoring in Tourism Yevgenia Mayorova took the 2nd place with the excursion «Miracles of Military Glory of Vladivostok»; Emilia Kolesnikova, the 2nd year student majoring in Tourism, took the 3rd place with a excursion «In the Embrace of the Deep Sea».
Director of the Tourist Information Center of Primorsky Krai, a graduate of VSUES 2017, Daria Guseva noted:
- Those routes that students showed in their competitive works, those objects, that new angle of view that they presented, it was unusual and highly appreciated by representatives of the tourist industry, as well as representatives of the section of tour studies and local history of the Primorsky branch of the Russian Geographical Society.
The competition «7 Wonders of Vladivostok» was organized by the ANO «Tourist Information Center of the Primorsky Krai», the Vladivostok administration with the support of the Government of the Primorsky Krai, the Public Expert Council for the Development of Tourism of the Primorsky Krai, the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, as well as the Primorsky Branch Russian geographical society.
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