VSUES discussed the development trends of Chinese law

The online symposium held at the Institute of Law was dedicated to the topic «Political and Legal Results of Two Sessions 2020: China after the Coronavirus». The event highlighted many important issues related to the outcome of the «two sessions» 2020, which means sessions of the All-China People’s Congress and sessions of the All-China Committee of the People’s Political Consultative Council of China. The moderator of the symposium was Alexander Alekseenko, assistant professor of civil law disciplines at the Institute of Law.
The symposium was opened by Pavel Troshchinsky, Senior Researcher at the Department of Foreign Constitutional, Administrative, Criminal Law and International Law of ILKL, Leading Researcher at the Center for Political Studies and Forecasts of the IFES RAS, talking about general changes in the China legal system in the «two sessions» field 2020, preceding the speeches of others participants who disclosed other changes in more detail.
Undoubtedly, one of the most interesting and important topics of this symposium was the adoption of the Civil Code of the PRC, as Vadim Sonin, PhD in Law, a lawyer of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the PRC, spoke about in his report.
Also, Sanat Zhilkibaev, a graduate student of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, took part in the online symposium. During the speech, he spoke about the political and legal content of the «two sessions» in the Chinese political system and in the context of the normalization of the PRC in the recession of the coronavirus epidemic.
- This event allowed me to open the veil of Chinese law, such an unknown for Russian students. The development of China in the field of law, the introduction of digital technologies is proceeding quickly, and, as the practice highlighted at the symposium shows, they bring positive results, Oleg Rybka, a student at the VSUES Law Institute, shared his impressions.
The event was closed by the organizer of the event, associate professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of VSUES Alexander Alekseenko. The teacher talked about the informatization of Chinese courts, reporting on the introduction of blockchain in the judicial system of the PRC and about the development trends of these technologies in the judicial branch of China.