VSUES students will pass the first demonstration exam on WorldSkills Russia standards in a new format

For the first time, VSUES will conduct the procedure for passing the demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards in the distance format. The demonstration exam on the competence «Organization of excursion services» will be held on June 23, 2020 using the IVA BKC platform, which is specially developed by the Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) Union, which has ample opportunities.
Using the platform, rooms will be created for experts to communicate, briefing rooms for participants to communicate with experts and video demonstrations from personal rooms of the participants. All rooms are recorded, which is stored on the platform. It is also possible to place exam documents, sign protocols online. Connection to this platform is possible both using personal computers and mobile devices. For use on mobile devices based on Android OS and IOS, the IVA BKC application is used, which is already available for download in GooglePlay and AppStore.
For the exam, a set of assessment documentation No. 1.3 was selected, according to which, the duration of the task will be three hours. The task itself, which is to be performed by the participants, is kept in strict secrecy and will be known on the day of the exam. The first of the training units in a new format will be the International Institute of Tourism and Hospitality. Galina Petrova, assistant of the Department of Tourism and Ecology, expert with the right to hold championships and demonstration exams according to WorldSkills Russia will take part in the event as the main expert. In total, 17 students of the BTU-18 group («Tourism» training direction) will take part in the demonstration exam.
Earlier in other regions of our country, a partially-remote format for conducting a demonstration exam was tested: the experts participated remotely, while the participants themselves were on the site, kept in touch with experts through online technologies. A completely remote format will be implemented on the basis of VSUES: students and experts will take part without leaving the walls of their own home. Such an innovative format will be held for the first time in our country. Students who successfully pass the exam and receive points at the level of compliance with WorldSkills Russia standards will have the opportunity to get into the ranking of the best in the country.
Based on the results of the exam, all students will receive a document confirming the level of professional competencies in accordance with the standards of WorldSkills Russia - a passport of competencies (Skills Passport). All graduates who have passed the demonstration exam and received a passport of competencies are entered into the database of young professionals, access to which is provided to all leading enterprises-employers of the country for search and selection of personnel.
Guidelines for conducting remote-format demonstration exams, developed by the Young Professionals Union, make it possible to adapt the exams to a difficult epidemiological situation. In 75 of 129 competencies, experts will be able to work remotely. For 28 competencies, students will be able to take the exam without leaving home online. Another 22 competencies include a partially-remote format.