VSUES students successfully passed a demonstration exam for WorldSkills Russia standards in a new format

VSUES conducted the first in country demonstration exam on WorldSkills Russia standards in a remote format. The demonstration exam on the competence «Organization of excursion services» was held on June 23 using the online video-conferencing service «IVA BKS». Thanks to the use of this service, each participant had their own personal room with the ability to demonstrate the video and their desktop.
For the exam, a set of assessment documentation No. 1.3 was selected. The duration of the assignment was three hours. The children were asked to justify the concept of a master class on the development of interactive technologies for the Rostelecom communications history museum. Assessment and protection of projects took place in a special virtual briefing room with the participation of independent experts - representatives from the tourism and hospitality sector of the Primorsky Krai. Students of the BTU-18-GK group «Tourism» of the Department of Tourism and Ecology successfully completed the proposed task. They not only developed the concept of the image of the guide, defined its functions, including greeting, interactive games and acquaintance of visitors with the exposition, but also calculated the cost of such a project.
Assistant of the Department of Tourism and Ecology, expert with the right to hold championships and demonstration exams according to Worldskills Russia standards Galina Petrova:
- For us, this is the first experience of conducting an exam in such an unusual format, but due to the platform’s functionality specially adapted for the purpose of holding a demonstration exam, it was a complete feeling that we were really in special separate rooms. We solved organizational issues in the briefing room, and then the participants went to personal rooms and performed the task there. Students showed a very good level of training, and experts noted that some students skillfully used the questions asked by them to emphasize the advantages of their master class. As a result, at the maximum possible 18.00 points for this CODE 1.3, more than 80% of the students participating in the exam received a result close to the maximum mark. I am very pleased that modern technology allows such events to be held from anywhere in the world. So, the guys, being at home in different regions of the country, were able to get into the museum of the history of communications through a virtual tour and successfully complete the task.
Based on the results of the exam, all students received a document confirming the level of professional competencies in accordance with WorldSkills Russia standards, - a competency passport (Skills Passport).
An examination in this format is held for the first time in our country in connection with the current epidemiological situation. Earlier in other regions of our country there was an experience in conducting similar events in a partially-remote format: experts participated remotely, while the participants themselves were on the site, kept in touch with experts through online technologies.