A feature short about the creator of the ideal appearance of Vladivostok was shot at VSUES

A short feature film with the tentative title «The Way» is a project implemented with the support of the Primorsky Krai Film Commission. Alexandra Lazareva, Project Manager of the Primorsky Krai Film Commission, said:
- The film with the tentative title «The Way» is the story of a young architect. We show his life, even from childhood, how he gradually moves towards his goal - to become the creator of the ideal look of Vladivostok, to make our city an architectural masterpiece.
VSUES, as one of the locations, was chosen by the film crew due to the presence of authentic auditoriums - large and textured, corresponding to the appearance of classical universities teaching visual arts.
- For filming scenes of the student's life of the protagonist, we chose an audience in the form of a classic amphitheater, with large windows and good light, Alexandra said. - The director made the final choice of this particular location.
Director Maxim Rankon - the only non-local member of the film crew - is directing the filming remotely, as he could not come from the United States due to quarantine due to coronavirus infection. He owns the initiative for filming the film and the plot idea.
The main role in the film was played by Igor Sushkov, a young actor of the Primorsky Regional Drama Theater of Youth. All filming took place in Vladivostok.
The filming period ended on July 18, ahead of the post-production period. The film will premiere at one of the international short film festivals.