VSUES students will be able to study at the most prestigious Japanese University of Economics

Japan University of Economics was founded in 1968 and is part of the Tsuzuki Educational Group, one of the largest educational corporations in Japan. The group includes 37 educational institutions throughout Japan, from kindergartens and schools to universities and graduate school.
VSUES has been conducting negotiations on establishing partnerships with the Japanese University of Economics since 2019, and on July 27, 2020, an agreement on cooperation in the field of student exchanges was signed. This agreement will allow VSUES students to study at the university campus located on the northern coast of Kyushu island, in Fukuoka prefecture, Dazaifu city, and Japanese students to become guests of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service and Japanese University of Exonomics also have plans to implement double degree programs for undergraduate and graduate programs.
Academic mobility is an integral part of the international activities of VSUES and is regarded as one of the main tools for improving the quality of training in higher education- Petr Semin says , Director of the Department of International and Cultural Activities of VSUES. - Sustainable implementation of the practice of international academic mobility of students is carried out on the basis of existing cooperation agreements with foreign partner universities and allows students, in addition to receiving education in basic educational programs, to study and improve foreign languages.
And the main advantage of exchange programs is that students do not pay tuition fees while on an internship at a partner university.