The beginning of the academic year at VSUES: answers to the main questions of students

When do we start to study?
Students of all courses in secondary vocational education programs (Academic College, College of Fashion and Beauty Industry, College of Service and Design, etc.) - from September 1, 2020.
Undergraduate students, 2-4 year specialties and graduate students of all courses study from September 14 in accordance with the schedule.
For 1st year undergraduate and specialist students, training sessions will begin on 7 September.
VSUES organizes Adaptation Week for freshmen from September 7 to September 12. Freshmen will get acquainted with the organization of the educational process, their departments and institutes, with curators and teachers, extracurricular activities, will be able to participate in team building and quests that are aimed at team building within educational groups.
On September 11, a lineup for first year students of higher education will take place.
How will the entrance to the university be organized?
In accordance with the internal regulations of VSUES, all students are required to have an identification plastic card (IPK, badge). A badge is required at the entrance to the university, dormitory, sports complexes, use of the library. We recommend that you issue your badge immediately after the enrollment order is issued and before the start of classes.
Do student need a medical certificate?
By the beginning of classes on September 14, freshmen (higher education) must submit a medical certificate in the form of О86у and a certificate for admission to classes in the discipline «Applied physical culture and sports» or sports competitions (the certificate is issued indicating the health group) to the VSUES student office.
Distance learning or full-time?
Freshmen will study in classroom learning. Students of other full-time courses will study in a mixed format. This means that classes in the discipline are implemented in two formats: face-to-face - in classrooms and laboratories of the university; remotely - in any place with technology and where there is access to a stable Internet.
VSUES will continue to use e-learning and distance learning technologies (online courses, video conferencing systems, e-testing, virtual laboratory work, etc.) to conduct classes, not excluding offline learning (live) with teachers in the university classrooms. This is the so-called mixed or hybrid learning.
What security measures will be applied to protect against the new coronavirus infection COVID-19?
VSUES is happy and ready to see all students in person learning, observing all precautions against COVID-19.
All measures for the prevention of coronavirus (provision of masks, temperature measurement, and treatment of classrooms) will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the prevention of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in educational institutions of higher education developed by Rospotrebnadzor.
How can international students start the academic year?
Distance learning will be organized for international students who cannot arrive by the beginning of the academic year.
How will the check-in at the hostels take place?
Check-in at the hostel takes place as usual. For freshmen undergraduate and specialty from 31 August.
Will there be personal scholarships for high scorers?
Students at VSUES who study at «excellent» receive 5,000 rubles. Students at VSUES who study at «good» - 3000-4000 rubles. Enhanced stipend- from 11,000 to 15,000 rubles per month.
The size of the VSUES personal scholarship for special achievements is 8,000 rubles.
The amount of the social scholarship is 4000 rubles. Undergraduate students of 1-2 courses who study at «good» and «excellent» are entitled to enhanced stipend- 8000 rubles.
Without exception, all foreign students studying in the direction of the Ministry of Education and Science receive a scholarship. Foreign students with excellent marks can receive 8000 rubles, students with «4» and «5» - 6000 rubles, only students who study at «good» - 5000 rubles, all others - in the amount of 1900 rubles.
While in other universities only state-funded students receive scholarships, the situation at VSUES is different. Students studying at paid places can also apply for a scholarship.
All additional necessary information regarding the educational process can be obtained from the student office (240 41 58), or from the directorates of the Colleges (Academic College 240 41 55, 240 43 16, 240 41 56; College of Service and Design 2 612 512; College of Fashion Industry and beauty 240 43 35).
Pay attention! The university has a mandatory temperature (at the entrance to the educational buildings) and mask regime.Students without masks will not be admitted to academic buildings.