VSUES, the Government of Primorsky Krai and leading restaurateurs of the city: the first joint educational project starts in September

The Government of Primorsky Krai, together with VSUES and the main city restaurateurs «Zuma», «Supra», «Novik Country Club», «Tokyo», «Chaikhona Khlopok», have developed a unique educational project for the training of professional personnel for the restaurant industry. Training in the art of cooking will take place on the basis of the VSUES College of Service and Design, absolutely free of charge for everyone. Managers of well-known city restaurants and cafes will employ graduates.
At the meeting of the governor of the region Oleg Kozhemyako with leading restaurateurs of Vladivostok at the VSUES College of Service and Design, an important issue of high-quality training of specialists for the service sector, public catering enterprises, and the tourism industry was discussed. As a result of the meeting, the head of the region approved the first educational project in Primorye «Human Resources for Business. Restaurants», developed jointly with the heads of the city's main restaurants, with the participation of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. A unique training program for highly qualified specialists in the restaurant sector starts in September, with the support of the regional center «My Business». According to the restaurant business professionals, the material and technical base of VSUES is the best in the Primorsky Krai for training cooks.
Within the framework of the project «Human Resources for Business. Restaurants» implemented free training for those interested in the art of cooking in two programs. The first is an express course of three and a half months. This program is suitable for everyone who wants to try themselves in a new field and change their current profession in a short period of time. The express course offers to study the history of the restaurant business, types, structure and trends of modern restaurants, will allow you to professionally immerse yourself in the cooking and arrangement of the restaurant's kitchen space. The short program will be taught in small groups of 15 people.
The second educational program is designed for long-term education of 11th grade graduates. For 2 years and 10 months, students will study in the professional skills of cookers. The 75 best applicants can get free places.
Ekaterina Sivolovskaya, curator of the educational project «Human Resources for Business. Restaurants»:
The main and very important feature of this project is the fact that it was developed by business together with VSUES. The preparation of the curriculum by representatives of the restaurant industry and VSUES was based on an understanding of the real needs of the gastronomic business sector in our city. Therefore, training will take place with the participation of managers, chefs of the main restaurants in Vladivostok. Business representatives will train specialists who meet all modern requirements, capable of accelerating the quality development of gastronomy and hospitality services in the city.
Anyone who has a certificate of complete general education can enroll in a short-term training program in cooking. Since the project is aimed at targeted training of personnel, interviews with the heads of the restaurant business will be held with applicants for admission. Graduates of each educational program will be guaranteed employment in the best restaurants of the region: «Tokyo», «Chaikhona Khlopok», «Supra», «Zuma» and «Novik Country Club» restaurants.
Educational project «Human Resources for Business. Restaurants», in addition to free training at the VSUES College of Service and Design, offers students employment with increased wages, the opportunity to combine study and work, master classes from eminent Russian chefs during the training period. Graduates of the long-term training program will receive a state-recognized diploma of secondary vocational education, and participants in the short-term program will receive a certificate of professional development.