Higher School of Television VSUES: more than 80 freshmen have chosen the undergraduate program profiles "Multimedia Journalism" and "Advertising and Public Relations"

At the Higher School of Television of VSUES, the first general gathering of freshmen who entered the areas of "Television" and "Advertising and public relations" took place. Traditionally, the leading teachers of the Higher School of Television came to greet the students.
-We are glad to the long-awaited first-year students, said Sergey Bulakh, director of the Higher School of Television, in his opening remarks. - The Unified State Exam in a pandemic, the changed order of the creative exam, the uncertainty in the form of the beginning of the school year did not frighten you. More than 400 applications, high competition for budget places. A creative competition that more than 70 applicants have successfully passed. As a result, forty-five people entered the Television program; thirty-seven people became students of the Advertising and Public Relations direction. Four student groups have been formed.
Specialists of the student office spoke about the organization of the educational process. The leading teachers of the department presented the subjects read and wished the freshmen a quick adaptation.
Elena Bura, a student of the Higher School of Television bachelor''s degree in Advertising and Public Relations, a graduate of the Khabarovsk school, said:
- I am a very creative person; I studied at an art school, so I chose a profession in accordance with my qualities and talents. We are glad that we start training in the usual, full-time format. This is an opportunity to get to know fellow students and teachers, the university as a whole. It is good that before the training, we came and got to know each other.
The beginning of the academic year for freshmen is full-time. New students will have a very busy time. On Friday, September 11, a university-wide lineup of freshmen will take place, and in the coming month, the traditional for the Higher School of Television student initiation will be.