The third mission of the university in action: a "Boiling Point" will open at VSUES

On December 18 at 10 am in the VSUES coworking space (1305 class) a space for collective work - the university "Boiling Point" will open.
- The opening of the "Boiling Point" at VSUES is a practical step towards the implementation of the "third mission of the university". This is an opportunity to implement the most daring ideas and projects aimed at improving the quality of life and the urban environment. We hope that this space will become a center for the development of ideas and talents of representatives of the scientific community, business, government authorities and public organizations, - comments the rector of VSUES, professor, doctor of economic sciences, Tatiana Terentyeva.
The university's "Boiling Point" will become a space for testing and adapting advanced digital technologies for education. The Format "Boiling Point" will allow you to quickly test new practices, including those related to the formation of personal educational trajectories of students and teachers, and the use of a digital footprint. At the university "Boiling Point", students and teachers will have access to the digital platform of the University 20.35, its diagnostic and recommendation services based on artificial intelligence algorithms.
The opened space will become a platform for organizing networking between universities, exchanging educational content and advanced educational practices, as well as introducing modern digital technologies into educational activities with the help of partners and participants in the ecosystem of the National Technology Initiative: development institutions, state corporations and companies.
As part of the opening of the university "Boiling Point", a presentation of services and projects of the NTI Platform and the University 2035 will take place, participants will learn about important initiatives of the NTI ecosystem, which can be connected to.
Speeches are planned at the opening ceremony of VSUES President, Professor, Doctor of Economics Gennady Lazarev, Corporate Director, Member of the Directorate of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Elena Myakotnikova, Head of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects in the Far Eastern Federal District Olga Kurillova. The opening program includes round tables, panel discussions, presentations of ASI projects, speeches by key speakers on the transformation of the labor market and the education system, youth policy, and the development of the Far East. The official opening will end with a plenary discussion "Vladivostok as a Boiling Point: Transition from MPV to a Working Prototype" with the participation of Prime Minister Vera Shcherbina, Deputy Mayor of the city Azat Islaev.
The space was opened with the support of ANO NTI Platform and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. The opening will take place as part of the "Autumn Navigator", a series of events that will take place from October the15th at 91 operating Boiling Points and 20 opening spaces. The main task of the marathon of discoveries is to navigate the NTI participants and new users through the initiatives, projects, services and capabilities of companies and organizations involved in the implementation of the National Technology Initiative.