VSUES is a participant of the international educational online exhibition in Latin America

VSUES took part in the international educational online exhibition “International Education. South America (Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador) ". Employees of the Department of International and Cultural Affairs VSUES represented the university. They answered questions about the conditions of study for foreign citizens, educational programs and forms of study, the possibilities of admission not only on a commercial, but also on a budgetary basis at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation (state scholarship), as well as many other questions that are currently of concern to future students and their parents.
- VSUES is a regular participant in international educational exhibitions, both offline and online, but this is the first experience of our university in promoting its educational programs for applicants from Latin America. Of course, there were fears that children from these countries would not be interested in studying so far from home, - says the head of the department of international academic mobility Yulia Kravchenko. “But we also understand that the expansion of directions to attract foreign students without the first step is impossible, especially in modern realities, when not only the educational services market, but the whole world was divided into“ before and after ”the coronavirus pandemic. As much as we would not like to remain in a comfortable zone for attracting applicants from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) and the former CIS, but in modern conditions a new approach is simply needed to promote VSUES in the international educational market.
At the exhibition organized by Begin Group, Yulia Kravchenko, in her presentation “Live in Russia, study at VSUES”, spoke not only about the areas of training and opportunities for admission to VSUES, but also about scientific, cultural, sports events in which foreign students take part successfully passing the period of adaptation and socialization in our university. The presentation also presented our region and the city of Vladivostok, so that the children and their parents could get a complete picture of the place of possible training.
- Of course, the search for new directions to attract foreign students from Europe or Latin America to study at our university, because of the pandemic and closed borders, carries certain risks. This long-term project does not guarantee immediate results. But we, as an ambitious university, are not afraid of new projects, or rather, we must overcome fears of possible mistakes and failures, and represent our region, city, university on an equal basis with the leading universities in Russia, - says Yulia Kravchenko.
Among the areas that interested Latin American applicants were three main ones: "International Relations", "Information Systems and Technologies", "Jurisprudence".
Representatives of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, the Baltic Federal University, attended the online exhibition among Russian universities, along with our university. Immanuel Kant, the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.
In addition to Russian universities, representatives of foreign universities attended the online exhibition sites from nine countries: USA, France, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Turkey, the Netherlands, Latvia and Lithuania.
Begin Group is an international company operating in the educational market since 1999. Engaged in advertising and promotion of Russian and foreign educational organizations. The company holds educational exhibitions in 12 countries for programs of various levels: bachelor''''s and master''''s degrees, language, MBA, secondary education and preparation for admission, international student exchange and others.