International interuniversity festival of foreign students "I study in Russia" VSUES is looking for talents

The VSUES Institute of Foreign Languages reopens the doors for an enchanting, unique, bright event - the International Interuniversity Festival of Foreign Students “I Study in Russia”. The festival will take place from 3 to 10 April at the VSUES site.
The annual festival "I study in Russia" has become a visiting card of VSUES. Teachers and students are waiting for this event:
- This is the sixth festival "I study in Russia", and for the second year in a row the event will be held in an online format, but this does not change its essence - a celebration of creativity, talent and fun. Even in this format, we are expanding cultural international and interuniversity ties, strengthening partnerships that we have with universities in the city and region. Welcome to our festival! - emphasizes the specialist of the Institute of Foreign Languages of VSUES, organizer of the Festival Galina Kasyanenko.
Our traditional partners have announced their participation: TSMU, Primorskaya State Agricultural Academy, FEFU, Dalrybvtuz and others. Applications are accepted until April 3, preparation work continues.