VSUES students Daria Akulenko and Anna Kogai are finalists of the IV International essay competition in English

The IV International essay competition in English dedicated to the World Day of Social Justice is held annually by the Department of Foreign Languages of the Ural State University of Economics. In 2021, the competition is included in the program of the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.
In total, 140 participants registered for the competition individually and as part of teams. The topic of this year's essay is “Everyone is Equal in the Face of the Pandemic. Social Justice: Problems, Discussions, Solutions "(" In the face of the Pandemic, all are equal. Social Justice: Problems, Discussions, Solutions"). In the essay, the contestants had to present their point of view on the problems of social inequalities in health care and the difficulties that have arisen in connection with the pandemic.
Darya Akulenko and Anna Kogai, second-year students of the International Relations direction of VSUES, under the guidance of Oksana Naletka, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies, prepared an essay on the topic “How citizen participation affects social justice in health care”.
“The essay competition was dedicated to the World Day of Social Justice, so we chose the topic based on this,” explained Anna Kogai. - In the essay, we touched upon social injustice, talked about its danger, explained what factors influence its appearance and how the situation in the world has become complicated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and as a result we have led to the conclusion that only by common forces can people solve these problems. During the preparation, we analyzed the situation in the world well and found solutions.
The head of the students, senior lecturer of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies Oksana Naletka noted:
- The topic of the competition is not easy and ambiguous, therefore it is especially valuable that our students reached the final. Daria and Anna suggested the topic of their essay themselves. In my opinion, the ways they propose to solve the problems of social inequality in the health care sector are worthy of attention.
VSUES students entered the top ten finalists of the competition and will take part in the final of the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, which will be held on April 20-21 at the site of the Ural State Economic University.