Free space for self-expression of students: everything about cosplay and geeks at VSUES

The next issue of VSUES-LIFE is dedicated to geek culture, cosplay and anime. Geek culture is a relatively new youth sociocultural phenomenon, and VSUES, as a fundamentally open space, has long become a platform where fans of comics, anime and science fiction literature can realize their creative aspirations.
It hold in the Underground Theater of VSUES that the first Far Eastern cosplay festival ANIMATE IT was held in 2008, where students competed to see who would best embody the heroes of their favorite anime. Today's students already in everyday life dye their hair blue, pink and green, wear fluffy ears or heavy metal accessories. VSUES teachers are loyal to this fashion, and many even see this as a special form of creative realization.
“Our students want to go beyond the routine of life, of course, I can only support such aspirations, because in this they show their creativity,” comments Nina Shulgina, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Television VSUES, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
Pavel Voronkov, a teacher at the VSUES Academic College, not only encourages students to be creative, but is himself the current host of the ANIMATE IT festival. In an interview with VSHTV VSUES students, Pavel named the top 3 of his favorite anime, told how he became a cosplayer and why get higher education today: