VSUES joined the Consortium of leading economic universities in Russia

An important event in the Russian sphere of higher education is the signing of a declaration on the creation of a consortium, the main goal of which is the development of an interregional ecosystem of youth entrepreneurship.
Large socio-economic universities of Russia, combining the experience of training, interaction with strategic partners and the advantages of the consortium members, will jointly build and launch an entrepreneurship track and implement the «Startup as a Diploma» program. The initiative to create a consortium was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, ANO Agency for Strategic Initiatives, regional public associations of entrepreneurs "Support of Russia", "Business Russia".
The declaration was signed within the framework of the VIII International Scientific and Innovative Forum of the Samara State Economic University (SSEU). At one table, representatives of Russian universities discussed the main vectors of the development of higher education in the Russian Federation. The issues of diversification of areas of training for the regional economy, new approaches and models of organizing training, interaction of universities with employers were discussed. The large-scale session was held in a mixed, online and offline format, thanks to which participants from 40 regions of the Russian Federation joined it.
Yulia Razumova, Deputy Vice-Rector for Teaching and Educational and Research Work of VSUES, Doctor of Economics, who represented the university in Samara, emphasized:
- Entrepreneurial initiatives today are one of the main tracks for the development of universities in the socio-economic direction. The experience of other universities, the experience of interaction with entrepreneurial structures, with government bodies is important here. For universities, these are new forms of interaction. In this regard, it is necessary to revise the organization of the educational process. Now the time is changing, the requirements and attitudes of universities towards interaction with business structures are changing. And the exchange of experience is a very important trend.
The consortium is the right step towards solving the assigned tasks. It will unite the leading universities of the socio-economic profile, regional institutions for the support and development of entrepreneurship and innovation, and public organizations.
VSUES declared itself as an entrepreneur in 2005. This year, the Center for Youth Entrepreneurship was opened and the educational course “Self-Employment” was launched. The university provides a connection between business and education and science, promotes and popularizes the values of entrepreneurship, and forms an entrepreneurial type of thinking among students.