Happy Knowledge Day, VSUES! . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Happy Knowledge Day, VSUES!

1 сентября 2021 University life

The rector of VSUES Tatyana Terentyeva and the President of VSUES Gennady Lazarev congratulate the students and the teaching staff of the University on the Day of Knowledge.

Dear students! Dear colleagues!

We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

This exciting holiday opens not only a new academic year, but also a new stage in the life of all of us – from student to teacher. It is always different, our every academic year, but it is always interesting, rich, multitasking. This is the time to teach and learn, grow and develop, make plans and fulfill dreams.

Special congratulations to our first-year students. Everything is just beginning for you, but we are already sure that you have many frontiers ahead of you, which you will definitely take. You made the right choice by enrolling in VSUES. Our university is small, chamber, everything is in plain sight here, which allows you to see and, most importantly, to unlock the potential of students, to pay maximum attention, to form a personal educational and career track.

We love and are proud of our students. Thousands of graduates of VSUES-successful, smart, highly professional people-create a worthy image and reputation of our university.

We hope that you will continue these glorious traditions. Get actively involved in university life – study, do science, sports, creativity, volunteering.

We wish you success, health and good mood!

Rector of VSUES,

Doctor of Economics,

Professor Tatyana Terentyeva,

President of VSUES,

Doctor of Economics,

Professor Gennady Lazarev