Russia and ASEAN: a series of events within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the dialogue partnership has started at the VSUES

VSUES conducts international cooperation with 65 universities from 16 countries of the world, including universities of ASEAN member countries: Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Indonesia.
— VSUES, located in the center of the Asia-Pacific region, sees it as particularly promising for the realization of export ambitions in the field of education. VSUES scientists note the intellectual potential in the research of this region, analyze and publish scientific articles on economic, political, and cultural aspects of development, — said Yulia Kravchenko, Head of the International Academic Mobility Department of the Department of International and Cultural Affairs of VSUES.
As part of the 25th anniversary of the dialogue partnership and the 30th anniversary of Russia-ASEAN relations, the Department of International and Cultural Affairs and the Department of International Relations and Law of the VSUES organized a series of meetings with representatives of the diplomatic corps and experts in the field of international relations, who tell students about the current geopolitical situation.
Alexander Tushkov, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Law of the VSUES, Doctor of Historical Sciences, was the first to deliver an introductory lecture «Russia in the system of partnership relations with ASEAN: analysis and prospects for development».
The speaker recalled the history of the formation of ASEAN, told about its structure, presented a list of countries that are members of the association and named the countries that are its dialogue partners.
— Since July 1996, Russia has been a full-scale dialogue partner with ASEAN, — said Anatoly Tushkov. — Main directions: research projects, trade and economic partnership, electronic commerce, customs regulation, intercultural communications.
Speaking about the ongoing project activities, Alexander Tushkov called participation in joint seminars, conferences, examinations, professional training.
As the expert stressed, the pandemic prevented further intensive development of cooperation, which significantly changed the geopolitical map of the world.
— I would characterize the current situation as the «genesis of the crumbling world», — said the professor of the VSUES. — The pandemic, which provoked the isolation of billions of people, showed the failure of the global liberal system and confirmed that only a sovereign state remains the only institution capable of acting in an organized and effective manner.
Alexander Tushkov outlined the further vector of world development towards a multipolar world with the growing confrontation between the United States and China, but stressed the strengthening of Russia''s position in the geopolitical alignment of forces.
— The lecture seemed to me very interesting and multifaceted — the 3rd-year student of the International Relations training course shared her impressions Anastasia Voron-Kovalskaya. — Since I would like to link my professional path with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, understanding the current geopolitical situation is very important.
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is a political, economic and cultural regional intergovernmental organization of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia.