VSUES in the glow of colours of the seaside autumn

An autumn time! So charming to the eye! All the luxury of the colours of the seaside autumn greets students, teachers and guests of VSUES today. At this time of the year, the park area of the university looks especially bright and festive, creates a mood, inspires and pleases.
Rector of VSUES, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tatiana Terentyeva:
— I have been working at our university for 25 years, and all these years I do not get tired of admiring how harmoniously park areas, numerous trees, shrubs, conifers fit into the campus space. They decorate VSUES at any time of the year. However, in the fall, the university is especially beautiful. So many colours, shades, its real magic. I like that the territory of the university has turned into a unique exhibition of the natural beauty of our native land. Come, we are open to residents and visitors of the city.
The rector of VSUES quoted her favorite poetic lines about autumn:
Autumn. Such a magic place!
Open to every heart to amaze
With clearings of forest trails,
Peeped in lakes with pure grace.
Admiring the fabulous pictures
Of fairy-tale golden halls
Slender ashes, elms and aspens
We delight this beauty all.
President of VSUES, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gennady Lazarev:
— One of my favorite places in VSUES is our park. It is small, but truly unique. The variety of species of trees and shrubs is second only to the regional Botanical Garden. We even have such amazing relics as Ginkgo Biloba and Korean cedar, which brought the first harvest of cones a few years ago. Cedar, by the way, bears fruit only if it lives in comfortable conditions, in clean air. Therefore, there is a good aura on our university campus!
The efforts of the staff and students of VSUES created the park. We brought plants from everywhere and planted them in the park. Hedges of maiden grapes began with cuttings that arrived from my summerhouse. I have always liked this beautiful, powerful vine: it takes root very well, grows rapidly, literally, like a weed. By the way, I already had the experience of dropping her off in the city. The apartment on the first Sea, where I lived then, was overlooking a gray retaining wall, and I had the idea to decorate it with maiden grapes. Brought, planted… Many years have passed, I moved out of that apartment a long time ago, and the wall is still covered with a beautiful plant.
When I became rector, history repeated itself: I saw that we had many unsightly, uninteresting retaining walls, cut this grape at the summerhouse, brought it, and planted it. Today, the vine serves as a decoration of the university grounds, winds along the main building, reaches the roof, falls spectacularly down and rushes up again.
By the way, VSUES was one of the first in Vladivostok to apply the technology of vertical landscaping of space, using such «climbers» as maiden grapes, climbing rose, Far Eastern actinidia.