Rector Tatiana Terentyeva: We declare VSUES a COVID-free territory

VSUES will become a covid-free territory. The Rector of VSUES, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tatiana Terentyeva, announced this.
— We declare VSUES a COVID-free territory, — said Tatiana Terentyeva. — In order to meet this status, we will strive to form collective immunity. The university has all the conditions to do this not in the distant future, but within the next month.
Vaccination points for the vaccination of students, teachers and staff at the Lotus Medical Center have been organized, which is located on our campus. We conduct constant explanatory work in the team, inform about the benefits of vaccination, convince of the need to undergo this procedure. The University allocates significant resources for the purchase of virus protection products - masks, disinfectants. Preventive work gives its results. Here is just one figure: over the past six months, no more than 1% of the contingent of teachers, staff and students of VSUES have been quarantined or on sick leave.
We are now doing everything possible to ensure that the university works normally. We really want our students to receive a modern, high-quality education, in a traditional system of communication with teachers. In my opinion, this is one of the main and probably eternal values of full-time education — the possibility of direct, live communication with the teacher. Interpersonal relationships in the student society itself are no less important.
In order to preserve these values and preserve the health of our team, we declare VSUES a COVID-free territory.