VSUES students study current trends in the global economy with an Italian lecturer . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

VSUES students study current trends in the global economy with an Italian lecturer

10 марта 2022 University life

1st year students of the Institute of International Business, Economics and Management with Antonio Campa, an Italian lecturer, study the discipline «World Economy and International Economic Relations».

— Antonio approached us last year with a proposal for cooperation. He was interested in the possibility of teaching at a Russian university, as well as the prospect of writing and defending his doctoral thesis to obtain a PhD in Economics with a view to moving to the Russian Far East, said Tatiana Varkulevich, Director of the Institute of International Business, Economics and Management.

The students are very enthusiastic about their foreign lecturer and say that Antonio's classes in world economics are very interesting.

— Despite the fact that the lectures today are held online, it does not hinder the perception of the information at all, said Anastasia Kryschenko, a first-year Economics student. — I would especially like to mention Antonio's ability to explain complicated issues using examples from real-life practice, and his care about ensuring that we mastered the material. He is always ready to answer our questions in the most comprehensive way.

Tatiana Varkulevich emphasises that the inclusion of a lecturer from Italy in the educational process makes it possible to give students a more holistic picture of how the global economy is developing:

— Because we are geographically located in the Asia-Pacific region and about 20 per cent of our students are international students from the Asia-Pacific, the emphasis in this discipline has previously been on the economy of this particular region. Antonio draws on European economic experience in his lectures, giving students a broader view of the situation.